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The 8 Levels of Learning to Apply (Gen) AI at Work


This week’s tip: A personal perspective on moving through 8 stages in learning to use ChatGPT.

When you start using ChatGPT, you get the hang of the basics pretty quickly.

However, you might soon feel like you've hit a wall in progressing.

You become unsure of how to extract further value from the tool.

This is a common experience, and it's completely normal.

Here is how to navigate the learning curve:

The 8 Levels of  Learning to Apply (Gen) AI

1. Curious Beginner

You’re exploring: At this stage, you’re just curious about AI and its capabilities. You might be playing around with basic functionalities, seeing what the tool can do. This is the experimentation stage.

2. AHA Moment!

Initial excitement: You experience a “AHA” moment as you realize the potential of what AI can achieve. This is where you start to see the amazing capabilities of the tool, which fuels your motivation to learn more.

3. Initial Valley

Facing confusion: As you dig a bit deeper, you might hit a point of confusion. This is where you encounter limitations or challenges in understanding how to use the tool effectively. It's a moment of pause where you might think, "Wait, what??"

4. Basic Prompting

Learning the essentials: Here, you begin to grasp the basics of effective prompting. Understanding how to ask questions and provide inputs to get useful responses from AI is a crucial step. This foundational knowledge helps in reducing frustration and building confidence.

5. Context Prompting

Adding depth to interactions: Moving forward, you learn to provide more context in your prompts. This makes the AI's responses more relevant and useful. It’s about enriching your queries with sufficient background information for better outputs.

6. Uploading Files

Integrating external data: At this stage, you start incorporating external files into your interactions with AI. This could be documents, spreadsheets, or other data sources that the AI can analyze and respond to, enhancing the scope of tasks you can perform.

7. Advanced Prompting

Mastering the craft: You now have the skills to create complex and nuanced prompts. This advanced level of prompting allows for more sophisticated and precise AI responses, tailored to specific needs.

8. Daily Workflows

Widespread application: The goal is to integrate AI seamlessly into your daily workflows. This isn’t just about task automation but about enhancing decision-making processes, supporting various functions, and driving efficiency across the board.

Reflecting on My AI Learning

My personal experience with AI follows a similar trajectory: I started with simple explorations and as I became more adept, I transformed how I work and make decisions.

Understanding these stages provides a clear path from beginner to proficient user.

Embrace each stage, knowing that it is a significant achievement on your way to integrating AI into your professional life.


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