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Lessons in AI Transformation: AI is Not a Replacement for a Bad Process


This week’s tip: AI is not a replacement for a crappy process.

Okay, let's say you’ve taken the first steps in upskilling for AI, and you’ve even started integrating it into your workflow.

That’s progress, right?

But let’s be real, AI can't cover for a fundamentally flawed process.

So, let’s talk about why that is and how you can set yourself up for real productivity gains.

Understand What You're Fixing

The temptation is there: you want to throw AI at a problem and hope it fixes it.


A shiny new tool won’t fix a rusty, old process. So:

- understand what you're trying to fix.

- rip apart your job into its core elements.

It’s what's helped me cut through the noise and focus.

Three Key Strategies for AI Transformation

Building on my hands-on experience, I've isolated three main areas to tackle:

1. Revise Outdated Approaches – Modernize how you work. Old methods won’t fit in today's fast-paced environment.

2. Human & Machine Collaboration – Combine your skills and machine capabilities. This has massively improved my problem-solving and decision-making in process.

3. Choose Tech That Adds Value – The tech you invest in should facilitate the core tasks you want to accomplish. It’s what’s allowed me to center my efforts on higher-value tasks that make a real impact.

Don’t expect quick fixes

AI won’t solve bad processes.

But a well-thought-out strategy,

backed by the effective application of AI will do.

My approach has always been: transform now, make things easier later.


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