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How to Prepare Yourself to Profit from AI in Your Work

Welcome, to AI for Business Newsletter.

3 Topics in 4 min:

1/ Very Few Companies Are Preparing Their Workers For AI

2/ My View on What Matters and What You Can Learn

3/ AI and Bad Processes: Lessons in AI Transformation

Let’s get into it...


The Unique Twist

An integral part of this newsletter is an AI assistant named Aissy.

As you explore my content, Aissy is offering personalized insights tailored to your needs and relevant to your circumstances. It aligns with your specific interests, corresponds to your knowledge level, and adapts to your industry.

Behind the scenes, I act as the human in the loop, continuously training Aissy based on the practical knowledge I acquire from applying generative AI in my career and in business. This way, when you are engaging with Aissy, you are essentially also engaging with my experiences.

Meet Aissy here:


1/ Very Few Companies Are Preparing Their Workers For AI

If you're reading this, you're probably well aware that AI is going to shift the landscape of our work. You're likely the proactive type, recognizing the need to get ahead of this curve.

Yet, despite this awareness: 86% of employees believe they'll need training to adapt to AI. But only 14% have actually gotten that training. There's a disconnect, isn't it?

Why is this happening? Most companies are slow to adapt. On the flip side, there are those standout businesses genuinely investing in employee upskilling for AI but unfortunately not the majority.

So what if your company treats AI like it's just the flavor of the week? If you own any shares in the firm, you might want to rethink that investment ;)

And then, why not take matters into your own hands? Here's something actionable: Consider to at least sign up for ChatGPT and start using it. It's a solid step in the right direction, adding real value to your professional AI readiness.

Trust me, self-education can bridge the gap when formal structures fail. That's how I was able to make career shifts and reinvent myself several times.


Reader Spotlight Question

Each week, I respond to topic-related questions from readers. To get the answer, paste the question into Aissy Chat. Send your questions to get featured next!

◢ List three immediate steps I can take to incorporate ChatGPT into my daily workflow as a [you role]. ◤


2/ My View on What Matters and What You Can Learn

Let me set something straight: Contrary to what you might have read in the news: Learning to prompt ChatGPT is not an AI strategy for success. And I say this as power user of ChatGPT in various aspects of professional life.

Sure, mastering ChatGPT prompts is a necessary skill; but only your entry ticket. The real leap happens when AI becomes an intrinsic part of your workflow, not just a shiny object you toy with.

I mean, think about it: Is the purpose of learning a language just to recite the alphabet? Similarly, prompting is foundational, but it’s not the goal. Leveraging your expertise in combination with prompting is the way to go. I touched on this in more depth in my last newsletter.

What Works for Me

For me, it's all about weaving AI seamlessly into what I do daily. For instance, I use ChatGPT to not just draft emails but to quicker finish repetitive tasks and draft strategic plans. I'm not just 'using a tool'; I'm working with an extension of my professional expertise.

The more you work with AI, the more you understand it. The more you understand it, the easier it is to apply. The more you apply it, the easier it gets and so on, you get it. Start this cycle, and you're on the right track.


Reader Spotlight Question

Each week, I respond to topic-related questions from readers. To get the answer, paste the question into Aissy Chat. Send your questions to get featured next!

◢ How can I make the transition from merely using AI tools to integrating them effectively into my professional workflow as [your role]? ◤


3/ AI and Bad Processes: Lessons in AI Transformation

Okay, let's say you’ve taken the first steps in upskilling for AI, and you’ve even started integrating it into your workflow. That’s progress, right? But let’s be real, AI can't cover for a fundamentally flawed process. So, let’s talk about why that is and how you can set yourself up for real productivity gains.

Understand What You're Fixing

The temptation is there: you want to throw AI at a problem and hope it fixes it. Don't. A shiny new tool won’t fix a rusty, old process. So, first things first: understand what you're trying to fix. Rip apart your job into its core elements; it’s what's helped me cut through the noise and focus.

Three Key Strategies

Building on my hands-on experience, I've isolated three main areas to tackle:

1. Revise Outdated Approaches – Modernize how you work. Old methods won’t fit in today's fast-paced environment.

2. Human & Machine Collaboration – Combine your skills and machine capabilities. This has massively improved my problem-solving and decision-making in process.

3. Choose Tech That Adds Value – The tech you invest in should facilitate the core tasks you want to accomplish. It’s what’s allowed me to center my efforts on higher-value tasks that make a real impact.

Wrap Up

Don’t expect quick fixes. AI won’t solve bad processes. But a well-thought-out strategy, backed by the effective application of AI, can set you on a better path.

My approach has always been: transform now, make things easier later.


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Have a great day and until next time.



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P.P.S. For feedback, questions, ideas use this email or DM me on LinkedIn.


Quote of the newsletter:

AI is like spices - incorporate it into your daily tasks, and mundane activities become gourmet experiences.


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