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How to Get Ready for AI at Work

Welcome, to AI for Business Newsletter.

3 Topics in 4 min:

1/ We Are All, in a Sense, Already Digital Hybrids

2/ 4 Steps to Get Your Professional Knowledge AI-Ready

3/ Implementing AI in Your Daily Work: A Step-by-Step Guide

Let’s get into it...


The Unique Twist (GPTs)

Integral part of this newsletter is an AI for Business GPT Chat.

As you explore my content, the GPT is offering personalized insights tailored to your needs and relevant to your circumstances. It aligns with your specific interests, corresponds to your knowledge level, and adapts to your industry.

Behind the scenes, I am continuously training the GPT based on practical knowledge I acquire from applying generative AI in my career and in business.

ChatGPT Plus account? Meet My AI for Business GPT here.

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1/ We Are All, in a Sense, Already Digital Hybrids

Ever wondered how much of your knowledge and also of you, of your personality is already digitized?

We have folders full of personal knowledge and data, pictures, documents, emails - saved locally or on cloud servers. Our personality and often self esteem is spread online across different social media accounts. Here's my take on it: we are all, in a sense, already digital hybrids.

This exploration led me to a question: If an AI, trained with my knowledge and skills, were to help me in my job, what essential steps would I need to take first? Here is my high level roadmap:

1. Embracing AI Integration: It's not just about using AI tools; it's about embedding them seamlessly into workflows.

2. Tailoring AI to Specific Needs: Customizing AI to fit unique use cases to enhance its effectiveness and relevance.

3. Operational Mastery: The real efficiently comes with managing these AI systems to extract their full potential.

This is more than adopting new tools; it's about evolving our skills by understanding and enhancing our symbiosis. We're not just preparing for the future; we're actively shaping it.


GPT Quick Dive: 2-Minute Exploration

Each week, I provide a topic-related question for further exploration. Paste the question into AI for Business GPT for actionable insights.

◢ What actionable steps can individuals take to adapt their careers in the age of generative AI integration? ◤


2/ 4 Steps to Get Your Professional Knowledge AI-Ready

I've noticed a common thread among professionals: the struggle with disorganized data. It's like having a puzzle with all the right pieces but in disarray. I've seen firsthand how this chaos hampers even to the most knowledgeable experts and I'm guilty of the same mistakes too.

From Chaos to Clarity

If you recognize yourself in the first paragraph, here are some steps to get your data organized and ready for AI:

4 Steps to Get Your Professional Data AI-Ready

  1. Organize Your Knowledge: Sort and structure your professional knowledge and data in a way that mirrors how you would prepare a project.

  2. Consolidate Your Data: Centralize your data in one place, preferably on a cloud service or a drive for easy access for both you and AI applications.

  3. Label and Organize: Properly categorizing and labeling your data is crucial for any process you're planning to delegate to AI.

  4. Apply AI to Your Organized Data: Once your data is in shape, leverage AI tools to analyze, predict, and enhance your decision-making processes.

I don't say it's an easy or an enjoyable process. These steps will lead to groundbreaking improvements in how you work and what you achieve. You transform from being basically lost to data-empowered, able to leverage AI models to tap into your insights and enable processes that were previously out of reach.


GPT Quick Dive: 2-Minute Exploration

Each week, I provide a topic-related question for further exploration. Paste the question into AI for Business GPT for actionable insights.

◢ How do you envision the impact of AI-ready data management on the future of work, particularly in terms of productivity, innovation and competitive advantage?◤


3/ Implementing AI in Your Daily Work: A Step-by-Step Guide

Jumping straight in, here’s how you can begin integrating AI into your workflow:

1. Discover Use Cases

Identify use cases in your daily workflow that could be simplified by a GPT tool. These cases should meet the following criteria:

- They occur frequently or are rare but time-consuming.

- They involve creating, summarizing, comparing, reviewing, or rephrasing texts; following frameworks or processes; and are step-by-step sequences.

2. Collect Use Cases

Gather these use cases in a document or folder. A tip: where possible, include few related examples of your work that you like - texts, drafts, or phrases. It's often easier to use existing examples as a starting point for desired outcomes rather than creating entirely new results without any reference.

3. Start the Engines

Now, you're truly ready to start experimenting. I emphasize experimenting because this won’t be a straightforward process. AI is not magic, despite some the headlined! It's a new tool that requires time and effort to master, just like any other application you’ve invested time in learning.

Why It Matters:

Having several well-crafted prompts or GPTs that can take over parts of your work is a HUGE productivity boost and prepares you for future advancements.

I recommend you go step by step and don't do it at once. Take your time but dedicate the next few months cleaning up all your resources and processes and start implementing AI supported workflows.


Get insights between issues

To get more insights, follow me on LinkedIn or let's talk AI.

Have a great day and until next time.



P.S. To sign up or share AI for Business Newsletter click here.

P.P.S. For feedback, questions, ideas use this email or DM me on LinkedIn.


Quote of the newsletter:

AI is like spices - infusing it in your workflow can change a bland routine into a tasty experience.


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