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Freeing Up 1+ Hours Per Day by Delegating to AI


This week's tip: How I outsource repetitive, non-strategic work to Generative AI.

As a business professional, it's critical that you spend your time focused on the most strategic areas of your work.

When you effectively outsource your workflows to AI, you free up a tremendous amount of time.

You also avoid energy draining "context switching" (our tendency to shift from one unrelated task to another), which turns 5-minute distractions into 30-minute distractions.

Unfortunately, many professionals are so engulfed in the day-to-day tasks of their work that they never start to apply AI for these tasks.

Everything about your workday feels important

In the fast-paced world of business, every task can seem urgent. Have you ever found yourself bogged down by:

- Sifting through endless emails?

- Coordinating meetings or events?

- Explaining project details repeatedly?

- Helping a colleague with a simple query?

While these tasks are necessary, they don't require the strategic mind behind your role.

Here's a 5-step plan for delegating non-strategic tasks to AI (saving 1+ hours a day):

Step 1: Audit your daily distractions

Take note of what consumes your time. By tracking your distractions, you'll gain insight into what tasks are prime candidates for AI delegation. Awareness is the key first step.

Step 2: Utilize AI to "learn and solve" each issue

Use AI tools like ChatGPT or Google Gemini and ensure that your AI system understands the context behind each task by providing clear instructions or examples.

Step 3: Store your instructions in a centralized file

Ensure all instructions and necessary data are quickly accessible to you. This might include:

- Prompts for responding to common inquiries.

- Essential project files or documents.

- Links to additional resources.

Step 4: Integrate AI into your workflow

With your instructions ready, integrate them into your daily workflow. Experiment with different tools to find what works best for you.

Step 5: Monitor and refine AI performance

Keep an eye on how well your AI solutions are handling tasks. Reviews your results and tweak and improve as you go, ensuring that your work is being delegated effectively.

Congratulations, you've now freed up 1+ hours in your day by partnering with AI.


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